Healing the body is a lifelong passion/pursuit. It didn’t take long, as paramedic, to notice that people that lose their mobility, strength, happiness and eat unhealthy food,live shorter and unhealthy lives. Movement, vibrancy and eating healthy foods keeps our minds and bodies healthy. Thus preventing DIS-EASE.
My first exposure to yoga was in an 8th grade gym class, the pose that stuck in my mind was Lion. I loved it. The next exposure was through my judo instructor. He showed us several postures, cobra, crow, and seated leg stretches. When I finally learned of the Davenport School of Yoga, in the late 1990’s, after my first class I was hooked and attended as many classes as possible.
Life waxes and wanes but leads us in the right direction. My studies have included but are not limited to: Judo-black belt, Hakko Ryu Jujitsu-brown belt, BA in psychology, Nationally registered Paramedic, Reiki master, Massage therapist, and finally obtaining my 200 hour yoga instructors certificate through the Davenport School of Yoga with Jeanie.
My classes will be an eclectic Hatha yoga style based on the teachings of Davenport School of Yoga and other instructors. A flow of poses tp awaken the body, clear the mind and bring balance to the meridians, chakras and other energy fields.