Alison McCrary

Alison began her study of yoga at the Davenport School of Yoga – unless you count doing the poses along with Lilias, Yoga and You on PBS in junior high!  She certified as an instructor under Jeani Mackenzie and studied abroad with Diane Long (successor to Vanda Scaravelli).  Alison’s love of many physical activities, from synchronized swimming and ballet to cross country skiing, has given her a particular awareness and gratefulness for the gift of movement.  In all of these activities, Yoga has proven to be a source of discovery and continuity in her life, offering creative options even through injuries – and opening up a community of fellow students with a similar desire to learn and grow over time.  Alison sees yoga as a practice to pursue for a lifetime – available to everyone, no matter what age or physical limitations they may have (hey – we’ve all got some!).  Yoga, practiced with patience and joy – and in community – brings a special peace to our souls and wellness through our bodies.  It’s a practice for life.