Hatha I Class Held at Trinity Church – Get Details Here –

This Davenport School of Yoga Class is held at

Trinity Lutheran Church Hall 1330 13th st Moline IL


 Contact Tammy

Weds  4:30 P.M.  Tammy – 309.631.7897

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga is not a specific type of yoga, but rather encompasses all of the asana, physical posture, systems. Like all Sanskrit words, “Hatha” has many meanings, including “force” or “effort” as well as “sun/moon” (“ha” – sun + “tha” – moon); that is, the archetypal uniting and resolution of opposites. In the context of modern asana practice, the general term Hatha has come to be used in the specific, describing a more classic approach, a one-pose-at-a-time style class, with focus on alignment, anatomy, body mechanics, and mindfulness.

In our Hatha classes, expect an emphasis on simplicity, repetition, and ease, a pursuit of effortlessness even as we work out the body’s kinks. Relaxation is paramount as we make a full circuit of the body’s range of motion with standing postures, twists, backbends, forward folds, and hip openers.

Hatha I – No experience required. Come learn the basics with a mixture of students: beginners and experienced yogis looking to go back to basics – always a good thing to do periodically in this practice. We will practice the most basic asana, learning fundamental techniques and discussing the many benefits of the poses. Regular practice relieves stress, improves mood, and deepens appreciation for all aspects of life by bringing health to the body and peace to the mind.
Contact Us
The Davenport School of Yoga
735 Federal Street, Davenport USA Iowa 52801
(563) 322-5354